Saturday, January 29, 2022

What is Political participation? Definition, Nature & Type, Method, Features and Significance| Notes - Unit III , B.A Political Science - Paper VIII


Political participation




The process by which people participate in the political process is referred to as political participation. The need to study politics as an aspect of human behaviour has made it essential for every student of politics to study political participation.




According to Heinz Eulau, " political participation is the involvement of masses in the decision making process for policy formulation.


According to Almond and Powell "political participation can be defined as the involvement of the member of society in the decision making process.


According to Michael Rush and Philip Althoff" political participation means the movement of the individual at various  levels in the political system.


Types of political participation


Mostly the following types of political participants are identified by them


1.     Direct political participation; when people play a direct role in the election of their ruler and in the decision-making or policy formulation process. political participation is identified as direct political participation. In political system with direct legislation and direct election system there is direct political participation.

2.     Indirect political participation; in representatives democracies,  the people elects their representatives directly and through them take part in the decision making process.


3.     Active political participation: when people actively participate in the political process, leadership- recruitment elections, electoral politics, political communication, party politics etc. the political participation is referred to as active political participation.

4.     Passive political participation; when the people have little interest in the political process and they are not fully oriented towards the political system and it is sub system which makes them politically apathetic, the political participation is called low or passive political participation.

5.     Instrumental political participation: when people participate in politics with definite ends in view which they want to achieve in politics. the political participation is identified as instrumental political participation.

6.     Expressive political participation; when people participate in politics without any commitment to a definite objective, but for the satisfaction of their feeling or sentiment or emotion, the political participation is referred to as accessory political participation.


Determinant of political participation


Prove that the people of a political system play the political process particularly in decision-making or policy formulation is influenced by several psychological, social, economic, political, environmental and situational factors.


There are 6 factors that are classified:


1.     Psychological factors of political participation: participation in politics is influenced by several psychological factors several people participate in politics for satisfying their psychological urges. Love for power and other values always impet people to get involved in political process.

2.     Social factor of political participation; political participation is always affected by social factor; education, social stratification, sex,  age, caste religion, language, residence and ethnicity. Thus, social factors always determine the nature and level of political participation.

3.     Political factors of political socialization; political factors are always the major determinant of political participation. Nature of the political system, the constitutions of the state, the organization of government nature and Organisation of the political parties, nature of present other means of mass media.

4.     Economic factor of political participation; economic influence almost all the human relation. These are also the determinant of political behavior and political participation. The urge to get involved in the decision-making of policy formulation in the political process.  The role of money power in politics is a major factor of political participation in developing countries like India.

5.     Environmental factors of political participation; political participation is also affected by environmental factors, geography, industrialisation, levels of Technology advancement and demographic features also determine the nature and level of the political participation.

6.     Situational factors of political participation; the situational factors also act as the determinant of the people participation in politics. the existence of British rule over India and the need to end its acted as strong motivating factors for the people of India and the join the national Liberation Movement in a big way.



All this factor influence in varying degrees popular participation in politics. These have to be analyzed together for analysing people and their groups, their role in the political process.

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