Thursday, November 25, 2021

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife || Chapter - 8 Geography - Notes and solutions || Integrated Social Science || Ratna Sagar - Class 7

 Chapter- 8 ' Geography

Natural Vegetation and wildlife


    A.   Tick ✅  the correct answers.

1.     The tropical rainforests are also known as the.- a) Savanna.

2.     Which of the following is not a hardwood tree? – a) Hemlock

3.     The coniferous forests are also known as__ forests. – a) Taiga

4.     Which of the following is not a coniferous tree? – b) Rosewood

5.     Which of the following is a tropical grassland?- c) Llanos


    B.   Fill in the blanks.

1. Hot and humid

2. Monsoon

3. Australia, grassland latitude

4. Fauna

    C.   Write the names of any three animals found in the following regions.

1.     Tropical region-

2.     Temperate region -

3.     Desert region -

4.     Cold region -


    D.   Write True or False

1.     True

2.     False

3.     Fasle

4.     True


    E.   Give short answers for the following questions.

 1.     What are the main features of tropical evergreen forest?

Ans:- The main feature of tropical evergreen forest are:-

                                                                               i.            These trees do not shed their leaves altogether.

                                                                             ii.            These areas experience a hot and humid climate throughout the year.

                                                                          iii.            Closely spaced trees form a thick and broad canopy.

                                                                          iv.            These forests are also called equatorial forest or selva.


2.     What type of natural vegetation is found in the desert regions?

Ans:-The main plants are date, palm, cactus, thorny bushes and coarse grasses.


3.     Name the various types of forests with at least one feature of each.

Ans:- The various type of forest are:-

a.      Tropical Evergreen Forest- These areas experience a hot and humid climate throughout the year.

b.     Tropical Deciduous Forest – They shed their leaves during the dry season to conserve water.

c.      Temperate Evergreen Forest – These are the mixed forest of hard and softwood trees.

d.     Temperate Deciduous Forest – In this region, trees generally have thick trunk and broad leaves.

e.      Mediterranean Forest – In this region, there is a moderate rainfall of about 80cm during the winter season.

f.       Coniferous Forest – the type of trees found are spruce, pine, fir, larch etc.



4.     What are the main uses of coniferous forests?

Ans:- The main uses of coniferous forest is that it is used to make pulp, paper, furniture, matchstick, plywood, doors, sports good and toys.


F.    Give long answers for the following questions.


1.     How do forest acts as natural habitats for wildlife?

Ans:- Forest acts by providing:-

a.      Foods and water.

b.     Shelter and living and hibernation.

c.      Places for breeding and raising the young ones.

d.     Space for normal growth and movement.


2.     Describe the natural vegetation found in temperate evergreen and temperate deciduous forests.


Ans:- The natural vegetation in Temperate Evergreen Forest:- The Temperate Evergreen Forest are the mixed forests of hard and softwood trees. It is mixed forest of coniferous and deciduous varieties. The forests are dense and the timber is valuable. The main trees are Oak, pine, wattle, walnut and camphor.


Temperate Deciduous Forests:- The trees generally have thick trunks and broad leaves. The trees are mostly deciduous. They shed their leaves in the autumn season and remain leafless throughout the winter season. The main commercial tree species found in this forest are – oak, ash, beech, elm etc.


3.     Distinguish between the Savanna and Prairie



       i.            Tropical grassland are also called savanna

       i.            Temperate grassland are also known as Prairie in North America

     ii.            The temperature is high and reaches sufficient rainfall.

     ii.            The temperature is low and the rainfall is not sufficient for the growth of trees.

  iii.            Tall grasses grow with scattered trees.

  iii.          Short grasses grown everywhere.

  iv.            It is used for grazing and farming.

  iv.            These are most suitable for cattle and sheep rearing.

     v.            This grassland is home to a large variety of animal.

     v.            These areas are now used as extensive farming for the cultivation of wheat and corn.



4.     What type of wildlife is found in the tropical forests?

Ans:- Wildlife includes plant and animals that live on land and in water. There are monkeys, apes, sloths, bats and flying squirrels in the forest. Anaconda, one of the world largest snakes also found in the tropical evergreen forest. Some animal likes, tiger, lions, rhinoceros and leopards are found in these forests.


5.     Why are furs bearing animals mostly found in cold Polar Regions?

Ans:- Because these animals have thick skins or furs to protect themselves from the extreme cold. These thick skins help them to keep themselves warm and to survive in the cold region.


6.     Why is lumbering done on commercial scale in taiga forests?

Ans:- Lumbering is done because the softwood of the taiga forest is widely used to make pulp, paper, furniture, matchsticks, plywood, doors, sports good and toys.

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