Saturday, January 29, 2022

Elites- Definition, Types, Characters ; Social stratification and politics | B.A Political Science Notes - Paper VIII | Study material and Notes


Social stratification and politics


The dictionary meaning of the word Elite is the chosen element in the population. As such groups of chosen elements in society are referred to as the Elites. Elites is a minority of population but it is a centre of power.


According to Suzanne Kellar, “Elites are those minorities which are set apart from the rest of society by their prominence in one or more of these various distributions.


According to C. Wright Mills, "Power Elite or Power Elites are those who occupy the command post."


According to Presthus, "Elites are minorities of specialised leaders who enjoy disproportionate amounts of power in community affairs."




The following can be described as the essential features of political elites.


1.    A political Elite aur power Elite consists of a minority of people The Chosen element of the society.

2.    Political elites of a democratic system are backed by the generation support and consent of the masses.

3.     Political elites occupy big position and control the decision making mechanism.

4.    There is a continuous alteration for movement of elites in a democratic system.

5.    Elites Grow and develop in every society and complete for power.


Changing character of elites

The character of Elite is dynamic. It changes from time to time and place to place. The changes of the society always produce rather compel changes in the character of an Elite. For example in a traditional society or family status provide basis to the ruling elites and in a feudal society the wealth or land property constitutes the basis of an Elite.

Elites in the modern times have to " assume a broader complexion to include not only those who are at the top but also those who constitutes the Strata of society from which leader usually emerge". the future Elite are bound to be different from the present Elite.


Types of Elite

1.    Traditional elites:  The elites who enjoy power, influence and authority on the basis of traditional values are called traditional Elite. Wealth, property and family status are usually important sources of power of the traditional Elite.

2.    Aristocratic or Noble Elite: Aristocratic elites or royal Elite continue to wield power and influence even after the transformations of monarchical regime into democratic regimes. In this age of democracy, aristocratic or nobility elites continue to be actively present in almost all the states.

3.    The new Elite; the new elites or the modern are product of the Industrial society and represent the forces of modernization and development. The progress of industries Revolution has been accompanied by the rise of big business, houses and industrial connection.


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