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Unravelling the World on Social Studies - Civics | Chapter _ 2 - Features of the Indian Constitution | Class 8 | Solved Question and Answers


Chapter 2

Features of the Indian Constitution


            A.   Answer the following questions in brief:


1.     List the Fundamental Rights that every citizen of India enjoys.

Ans: The Fundamental Rights are –

i.                   Right to Equality

ii.                 Right to Freedom

iii.              Right against exploitation

iv.               Right to Freedom of Religion

v.                 Cultural and Educational Rights

vi.               Right to Constitutional Remedies


2.     What is the importance of the Right to Constitutional Remedy?

Ans: These rights ensure that all citizens are able to utilize the rest of the Fundamental Rights. It states that any citizen can go to a court of law if he/she feels that any of his/her Fundamental Rights are being denied, even if it is by the government.


3.     List the details mentioned in the Right to Freedom of Religion.

Ans: i) Public order, morality, and health

        ii) other provision of the Constitution

        iii) Regulation of non- religious activity

         iv) social welfare and reform.


4.     Why doesn’t India have a state religion?

Ans: Because India is a secularism country where people belonging to every faith have been living together and contributing to the country’s development.


5.     List the various freedoms that the Right to Freedom guarantees.

Ans: i) Freedom of speech and expression

       ii) Freedom of assemble peacefully and without arms.

        iii) Freedom to form associations or unions

        iv) Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India.

        v) Freedom to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India.

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Unravelling the World on Social Studies - Civics | Chapter _ 1 - Indian Constitution | Class 8 | Solved Question and Answers



Chapter 1

Constitution of India


A.                  A.    Answer the following question in brief:


1.   What is a constitution? Why do we need a constitution?

Ans: A Constitution is a set of rules, regulations and provisions that describes the basic beliefs and values the country is based on.


2.   Name some features of the constitution.

Ans: Some features of the constitution are – The Preamble, Sovereignty, Federalism, Parliamentary, separation of powers, Secularism, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties.


3.   What are the two purposes of a Preamble?

Ans: The two purposes of a Preamble are –

i)             It indicates the source from which the constitution gets its authority.

ii)            It also states the objects which the Constitution seeks to establish and promote.


4.   Why is our Constitution called a living documents?

Ans: The process of amendment enables the Constitution to upgrade itself according to the changing times and thus, it is a living document.


5.   What is dissent?

Ans:  The protest against a law or refusal to obey the law is known as dissent.

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Unravelling the World on Social Studies - Geography | Chapter _ 2 - Land and Soil Resources | Class 8 | Solved Question and Answers


Part II: Geography

Chapter 2

Land and Soil Resources


            A.   Answer the following questions in brief:

1.     Why is land the most important resources for humans?

Ans:  Land resource is the most important resource on Earth as it recognises every other resources that is important to humans.


2.     Why is soil considered a resource?

Ans: Soil forms the uppermost layer of the land surface. It is an important resource as it has many functions that affect life around it.


3.     Name the different types of soil found in India?

Ans: The Different types of soil are Alluvial soil, black soil, red soil, laterite soil, sandy soil, mountain soil and coastal saline soil.


4.     What factors determine the land use in India?

Ans: Climate, relief, soils, population size and available capital determines the land use in India.


5.     Name three ways to prevent soil degradation.

Ans: The three ways to prevent soil degradation are: -

i)                   Stop excessive use of fertilisers and pesticides for farming.

ii)                Afforestation or plant trees in more areas.

iii)             Prevent soil pollution through seepage of chemical and other industrial waste.


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Unravelling the World on Social Studies - Geography | Chapter _ 1 - Natural Resources | Class 8 | Solved Question and Answers


Part II: Geography

Chapter 1

Natural Resources



            A.   Answer the following questions in brief: 

1.     What is a resources?

Ans:  Anything that is found in nature and has some value or used for humans is called a resource.


2.     What do natural resources mean? Give some examples.

Ans: Natural resources are those resources which occur naturally, without the help of humans is called a natural resource. E.g. – Sunlight, water, minerals, wind, soil etc.


3.     What is a potential resources?

Ans: Potential resources are those that are known to exist, but they have not been used. E.g- Waterfalls, wind and solar energy.


4.     Why is the human resource important?

Ans: Human resource are the most important because they have the skill and the knowledge to utilise the resources.


5.     List five ways that you can help conserve our resources.

Ans: The five ways to conserve our resources are: -

i)                   We should switch off unnecessary electrical equipment when not in use.

ii)                Water should not be wasted.

iii)             Planting more tress in our surrounding

iv)              Paper is made of trees so we should not waste it.

v)                Whenever you see a water tap open, close it.

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Unravelling the World on Social Studies - History | Chapter _ 2 - From Trade to Territory | Class 8 | Solved Question and Answers

Part I: History

Chapter 2

From Trade to Territory


        A.   Answer the following questions in brief.

1.     Why did most European companies target India when the need for markets and colonies arose?

Ans: European companies targeted India because it was necessary to find markets for goods and products made in England and also to find a region or country that could supply raw materials for the textile factories and other industrial units in England.                                              

2.     What were the grievances of Siraj-ud-Daulah against the British?

Ans: Some of the grievance of Siraj- ud -Daulah against the British are as follows:

i.                   The English trader being free from obligations of paying any tax.

ii.                 The British kept misusing and exploiting the rights to tax free trade.


3.     What were the effects of the Battle of Buxar?

Ans:  The effect of the Battle of Buxar is that It gave EEIC diwani rights i.e,.  the right to collect revenue in the province of Bengal Orissa and Bihar.


4.     What was the principle of Subsidiary Alliance?

Ans: A principle introduced by Lord Wellesley, a British Governor- General. This principle was based on certain condition that a ruler had to accept in lieu of getting British protection against his enemies.


5.     Who introduced the Doctrine of Lapse?

              Ans: Governor- General Lord Dalhousie                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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