Sunday, November 13, 2022

New Getting Ahead In Social Studies Class 8 Solutions - Social and Political Life Chapter 3 - The Union Legislature- The Parliament | Solved Questions and Answers


Part III: Social and Political Life

Chapter 3

The Union Legislature – The Parliament


  1. Fill in the Blanks:
  1. Lok Sabha
  2. 5   
  3. Vice President
  4. Speaker
  5. Rajya
  1. True or False
  1. True
  2. False
  3. True
  4. True
  5. True
  1. Answer in brief:


1.      Mention the three sessions of the Parliament in a year.

Ans:- The three sessions of the Parliament in a year are:-

i)                    The Budget Session (February-May)

ii)                  The Monsoon Session(July-August)

iii)                The Winter Session(November-December).


2.      What is the purpose of the question hour?

Ans:- The purpose of the question hour is that the members of parliament can asks the question to the ministers and it helps other member to understand the government policies and also the flaws in them.


3.      What is the purpose of the zero hour?

Ans:-The purpose of zero hour is that members can raise the questions of public interest.


4.      c

Ans:- An adjournment motion is when the current topic of discussion is being postponed and another topic of greater importance is taken up for discussion.


5.      What are the qualifications for a person to be a member of the Lok Sabha?

Ans:- The qualification for a person to be a member of the Lok Sabha are:-

i)                    He should be an Indian Citizen and above the age of 25 years.

ii)                  He should not be a bankrupt or mentally unstable.

iii)                He should not hold any salaried government job.




6.      What are the qualifications for a person to be a member of the Rajya Sabha?

Ans:- The qualification for a person to be a member of the Rajya Sabha are:-

i)           He has to be an Indian citizen and 30 years of age and above.

ii)                 He should neither be bankrupt, nor be of unsound mind.

iii)              He should not hold any salaried government job.


  1. Answer in detail.

1.      What is no- confidence motion?

Ans:-   No – confidence means that if the parliament loses its confidence in the Council of Ministers and its functioning, a motion of no – confidence is introduces in the Lok Sabha, this is called as no- confidence motion.


2.      Discuss in detail the process of election to the Lok Sabha.

Ans:-  The candidate who stands for the election can be either affiliated to parties or contest election as independent candidates. The candidate who polls the maximum member of votes is declared as the Member of Parliament from that particular constituency. The party which gets an absolute majority i.e more than half the seats in parliament is invited by the President to form the government.


3.      What is meant by impeachment?

Ans:- It means that the legislature can remove the President of India from  the office for the violation of the constitution by the process of impeachment. To impeach means to bring changes against a government officials.


4.      Write a note on the stages involved in the making of a law. How is an ordinary bill different from a money bill?

Ans:- Stages involved in the making of a law-

                                                              i.      First Reading or Introduction- When a member introduces the bill in the house, copies of the same are given to all the members, and the introducing member explains the purpose of the bill.

                                                           ii.      Second Reading- After the bill is thoroughly discussed, members can suggest changes. A committee from among the member will be set up by the speaker. This committee will scrutinize the bill and understand its positive and negative implications.

                                                         iii.      Third Reading- The bill is drafted finally after suitable modifications, as suggested by the members, have been made. The bill is then sent to the president for approval, after which it becomes a law.

The differences is that an Ordinary is any bill which contains matters other than the matters covered in the money bill, finance bill, and  constitution amendment bill, whereas A money bill refers to a government bill that deals with matters relating to money, such as imposition of taxes, borrowings, and government expenditure, etc.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1.      c)

2.      b)
3.      b)
4.      a)
5.      a)
6.      d)
7.      b)

   8.     a)

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