Monday, November 21, 2022

New Getting Ahead In Social Studies Class 8 Solutions- Geography Chapter –6 Industries || Solved Question and Answers

Part II: Geography

Chapter 6




  1. Distinguish between:


1.      Public and Private sector industries

Ans: Public Sector Industries: Public Sector Industries are owned, managed and controlled by the state or central government.

Private Sector Industries: Private Sector Industries are owned, managed and controlled by individuals or group of individuals.


2.      Mineral –based and forest-based industries.

Ans:- Mineral-based industries get their raw materials from minerals which are then processed and turned into finished products. For examples – the iron and steel industry.

Forest-based industries obtain their raw materials from shrubs, herbs, grasses and trees in the forests. These industries use wood or wood pulp as their raw material.

3.      Large and small scale industries

Ans:- Large scale industries use large amounts of capital, huge machines and modern and superior technology to manufacture goods. For example- Iron and steel industry, petrochemicals, aircraft, railway coach etc.

Small Scale industries are small manufacturing units set up with limited capital. They are engaged in silk weaving, producing garments, food and leather items, etc.


  1. Name the following.

1.      Any three industrial regions in India.

Ans:- i. The Mumbai- Pune cluster

         ii. The Ahmedabad – Vadodara region

         iii. The Gurugram – Delhi- Meerut region


2.      Name a few examples for pastoral-based industries

Ans:- The woolen textiles industry, the dairy industry and the leather industry.


3.      Any four inputs in the industrial system.

Ans:-  The inputs are the raw materials, labour, land to operate from, power, communication, trade and transport.


4.      Any two examples for cottage industries.

Ans:- Two examples of cottage industries – Toy making and weaving.

  1. Give reasons:

1.      Several industries cities are located along the coast.

Ans:- Several industries cities are located along the coast because –

                              i.      The proximity to coast provides an easy access to marine routes.

                             ii.      It is cheaper for industrial to export their finished goods and imports bulky raw materials by using oceanic waterways.


2.      Industries provide value addition.

Ans:- Industries provides value addition because it rise in the value of raw materials when they become a finished products and it becomes of greater use to humans.


  1. Answer the following questions.

1.      Define the word ‘industry’.

Ans:- The word ‘Industry’ referred to any economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials into finished goods with the help of machines in factories.


2.      Briefly explain the importance of manufacturing industries.

Ans:-  The importance of manufacturing industries are-

a.      Contribute to value addition

b.      Add significant to the national income

c.       Pave the way for rapid development

d.      Generate employment.


3.      Classify the industries on the basis of their size.

Ans:-  On the basis of size we can classify industries into cottage industries, small scale industries and large scale industries.


4.      How can industries be classified on the basis of raw materials used?

Ans:-  On the basis of raw materials used industries can be classified as agro-based industries, mineral-based industries, marine-based industries, pastoral-based industries and forest-based industries.


5.      What are multinational firms?

Ans:-  Multinational firms are big companies that operate from several countries. These companies operate with a desire to be generally competitive and to get maximum profits. Eg- Tata steel, Nokia, Samsung etc.


6.      What are the factors that affect the location of industries?

Ans:- The factors that affects the location of industries are-

i.      Raw materials

ii.    Availability of power resources

iii.  Labour

iv.  Capital

v.    Means of transport


7.      What are industrial regions? Name the major ones around the world, and in India.

Ans:-  Industrial regions are a large number of industries which are located in a selected area, close to each other. They enjoy the privileges assured by their government and the benefits of their proximity to each other.

The major industries around the world are – Eastern North America, Western and Central Europe and Eastern Asia.

In India, the major industries are – The Mumbai-Pune cluster, the Ahmedabad- Vadodara region and the Jharkhand- West Bengal region.




Multiple Choice Questions

1.     c)

2.     d)

3.     d)

4.     a)

5.     d)

6.     d)

7.     a)

8.     d)

                             9.  d)

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