Saturday, January 29, 2022

Concept of Power, nature and type; authority and legitimacy; Unit II - B.A Political Science - Paper VIII


Unit II

Power and authority:

 Concept of power, nature and type, authority and legitimacy

Power is the Hallmark of politics. It is the primary features of every political activity. In fact a political activity is most popularly defined as an activity which involves power to a significant extent. Political is popularly defined as the process of struggle for power among groups of people.


It is not easy to define power. It is defined differently by various social scientists.

According to M G Smith, "Power is the ability to act effectively over people and things using means ranging from persuasion to coercion."

According to MacIver “Power is centralised, regulate or direct the behaviour of persons or things."

According to Robert Dahl "Power is defined as a special case of influence involving severe losses for non-compliance."




Four main nature of power:

1.    Power is relational; Power is a relationship. It is not something concrete or tangible thing like wealth. It exists only when a minimum of two actors are present, one of whom has the ability to secure a desired change in the behaviour at the other by the use of coercion or threat of use force.

2.    Power is reciprocal; our relationship is a two ways process each actor has power to some degree. The persons under the power of a powerful person are not totally powerless. They are only less powerful than the power holder.

3.    Power is relative; Power is always relative; a powerful person does not mean that he has power over all others and that he is not under the power of someone else.

4.    Actual power and potential power; While analysing the power of an actor one has two analyses: its two dimension; actual power and potential power

a.     Actual power means the power which the power holder is actually in currently using in a situation.

b.     Potential power means the power which a person can use.


Power: type or kinds


1.    Legitimate power; When the source of power is the law of the constitutions or the customs and traditions it is called legitimate power.

2.    Illegitimate power ; It refers to the power of the power which is based upon his ability to use force suppressions,  repressions, violence and dominance.

3.    Direct power; When the power holder directly exercises power over his subject it is called direct power.

4.    Indirect power; When the power holder exercises his power not directly but indirectly through his agents it is called indirect power.

5.    Manifest power; It refers to the power clearly vested in the power holder by the constitutions or laws or laws or customs or traditions.

6.    Implied power; A power which exercises in the process of using a manifest power is called in implied power.

7.    Centralised power; When the power is concentrated in the hands of a person or a small group it is called centralised power.

8.    Decentralized power; When the power is shared by several individuals group and institutions that is when powers stand divided among several actors and Groups it is called the centralised power.

9.    Bilateral and unilateral power; Power is reciprocal; the power of the powerful person is relative to the power of his subject it is called bilateral power. However in some cases only the power holder has power over his subject then it is called unilateral power..

10.                       National power; National power refers to the ability of a nation to pursue its desired goal in International Relations.

Form or modes of power.

1.    Political power; Political power can be defined as the power to make and implement laws, policies and decisions by the use of force Cohesion or threat of use of force.

2.    Economic power; Economic power is the power resulting from the ownership of means of production of goods and services that is material means of life; it is the power of wealth.

3.    Ideological power; Ideological power is the third form of power. It is the most subtle form of power use of ideology for securing legitimacy is a standard practice with the rulers, political parties and their leaders always use ideology for securing support for their leadership and policies.

Politics as struggle for power involves all these three forms of power which are used by the powerful person for exercising ruling power over the people.


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