Saturday, January 29, 2022

Concept of Authority - Nature and Type; Authority and Legitimacy- Unit II - B.A - Political Science - Paper VIII


Unit II

Authority -  Nature and Type; Authority and Legitimacy


 The concept of authority is very closely related to power full. In fact, authority is legitimate power. The exercise of power as authority is the Hallmark of every democratic political system. Authority is currently the most important and productive source of power.



The word authority has been derived from the Latin word 'Auctoritas'. Authority means power characterised by legitimacy and rightfulness.

According to MacIver, “Authority is often defined as being power, the power to command obedience.

According to Beach, "Authority is the legitimate right to direct or influence the work of others.”

 According to Robert Dahl, “Legitimate power or influence is generally called authority."


1.    Authority is legitimate power; It is the legitimate recognise and accepted power of the authority holder. It is back by the constitutions of the state or laws of the state or customs or tradition. 

2.    Authority is relationship; Like every other relationship,  Authority involves a minimum of two actors one of whom has the recognised power or right to use power over the other and the other upon whom this power is exercised.

3.    Authority is recognised power; The subject recognised the right in legitimacy of the authority holder to use his power and considered it as their duty to obey his commands.

4.    Authority commands obedience: An authority holder enjoys dominance over his subject. He can command obedience.

5.    Authority is alway defined, limited and recognised : It is defined either by the constitution or law or tradition or convention. It's scope is always defined.


Kind/ Types of Authority


On the basis of the main source of the power exercised by the authority holder. Several kinds of authority are identified by the social scientist:


1.    Traditional Authority:  Authority based on customs and conventions is called traditional authority.  The authority of a village elder is a traditional authority.

2.    Constitutional Authority: The legitimate power vested by the constitutions of a state in an office or an institution is called constitution Authority.

3.    Legal Authority: Power conferred upon a person or an office by the laws of the state is called a Legal Authority.

4.    Legitimate Authority: The term legitimate authority is quite a misnomer. Authority is only authority only when it is legitimate and enjoys the confidence and recognition of the people as a legitimate or rightfulness power.

5.    Religion Authority: Authority sanctified by the tenet of the religion is called religious authority. The authority of the Head Priest of Sri Akal Takhat is a religions authority.

6.    Charismatic authority; Activity based upon the Personal qualities. The personality of the person's welding power of the people is called charismatic authority. Charisma means charms or personal power, the ability to inspire loyalty and even devotion in others.

7.     Political authority; The power resulting from the status n stature of a person in the hierarchy of a political party or a group is political authority. For example authority of the Congress President and the authority of the president of BJP and etc.

Authority and legitimacy


1.    Authority and legitimacy are inseparable twins; There cannot be authority without legitimacy that is recognition on the part of the people upon whom the authority is exercised. The people recognise that the power being used,  decisions or commands being enforced by the authority holder is just and beneficial for them.

2.    Legitimacy transform power into authority; legitimacy without authority only remains a wishful thinking. It only exist assess the idea of rightfulness and justness or moral or rational principle. It is only when it gets combine with authority that it believes to decision, command and action which are held to be right.

3.    Authority without legitimacy is power; Power is a legal power or capacity. It may or may not enjoy a popular recognition and acceptance as a just and rightful power.  legitimacy alone can secure and guarantee the acceptance and obedience of power as authority.

4.    Which legitimacy is a source of weakness for the authority; absence of legitimacy reduces authority to power. Legitimacy ensures acceptance, obedience and respect of authority and productive of desired result.


The people willingly obey the laws, policies decision and plans formulated and enforced by the power holders of a democratic state because these enjoy a strong legitimacy.


Hence, legitimacy and authority are intimately related and the former is successful only when its enjoys a high level of legitimacy. In a democratic political system, election is the process by which the power holder gets their legitimate power, that is political authority to exercise the power to rule the state for next few years.


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