Saturday, January 29, 2022

Concept of Political Development & its Importance - B.A Political Science Notes- Unit III- | Paper VIII || Study material and Notes for B. A Fourth semester


Political development


The concept of political development has been formulated and operationalised by a large number of political scientist the name are Lucian W. Pye, G.A Almond, James C Coleman and others are worth mentioning because they have done pioneering work in the conceptualizations and operationalisation of the concept of political development in politics and political sociology.




According to Almond and Powell defined that "the increased depression and specialisations of political structures in the increase securitisation of political culture."


According to P. Huntington "the process by which organisations and procedures acquires values and stability."



Different conceptualization


Lucian Pye, in his work- "Aspect of political development has very systematically explains the different ways in which political development has been clearly defined."


1.     Political development as the political prerequisite of economic development; This view of political development seeks to  conceptualised in term of economic growth political development is regarded as that state of the polity which might facilitate economic growth.

2.     Political development as the politics typical of industrial societies;This view, as  such hold that political development involves; certain patterns of presumably,  rational and responsible government behaviour;  avoidance of reckless action;  some sense of  limitations on politics and finally an acceptance of some form of mass participation.

3.     Political development as political modernization; Social scientist like James Coleman, Karl Deutsch, SM Lipset and some other regard political development as the typical or  idealise politics of industrial societies and that political development is synonymous with political modernization. political development takes the form of westernization of in politics.

4.     Political development as the operation of the nation state; This view holds that political development consists of the organisations of political life and the performance of political function in according with the standard expected of a modern Nation state.

5.     Political development as administrative and legal development; The fifth view of political development as discussed by Lucian Pye is the view which interprets political development as a process of Institution building and citizenship development.

6.     Political development as mass mobilization and participation; This view link political development with political awakening of the people. The bigger the masses mobilisation and participation in politics, the greater is the degree of political development of the political system.

7.     Political development as the building of democracy; This view faces political development as synonymous with the establishment of Democratic Institutions and practices. Building of democracy is the process of political development. According to this view development has meaning only in terms of the strengthening of some set of values.

8.     Political development is stability and orderly change: This view seeks to define political development in terms of the ability of the political system to remain stable and processes the capacity for purposeful and orderly change.

9.     Political development as mobilizations and power; This view links political development with the capabilities of a political system that is the ability of the political system to mobilize the resources exercise power and to use the resources to the fullest advantage.

10.                        Political development as one aspect of a multidimensional process of social change; This view of political development holds that all forms of development are related. Development is much the same is modernization and it take place within a historical context in which influence from outside the society.


Besides these ten different approaches to the conceptualizations of political development there are others possible interpretations.



 Essential of political development


After analysing all the above use Lucian Pye isolated the following characteristic a political development these are as follows;


1.     Equality: Various approaches accept that spirit or attitude of equality is an aspect of political development. Equal and popular participation in politics, active citizenship and popular rule constituted the variable of political development.

2.     Capacity; Capacity of a political system is again a theme held by most of the above approaches and it refers to the capacity of a political system to affect the social and economic life of the society through its output.

3.     Differentiations and specialisation; This aspect of development and involves first of all the differentiation in specialisations of structural, offices and Agencies tends to have their distinct and Limited function.


Types of crisis in political development


Political development faces certain types of crisis which affect the whole process in one way or the other. These are as follows:


1.     Crisis of identity; In  a sound political the masses are most willing to be identified with the system they are identify themselves with National culture and their loyalty to the Nations are very clear.

2.     Legitimacy crisis: In a sound political system authority must be a legitimate and the masses should not question or challenge the use of powerful in the use of his authority.

3.     Penetration crisis: In a good political system the government should penetrate the masses and have a clear excessment of their need and requirement.

4.     Participation crisis: Another aspect of participation is that crisis developed when the authorities do not allow the people to participate in the running of their own affairs.

5.     Integration crisis: As long as there is integration the system does not come under strain stop but crisis in the system come when there is no integrations between the official and an ordinary citizen.


Political development is faced with crisis and each one should be immediately tackle. In this connection it may be pointed out that these are more in developing rather than developed societies, which have capacity, competence and resources to come to grip over every situation.


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