Sunday, February 5, 2023

New Getting Ahead In Social Studies Class 8 Solutions- History Chapter - 14 - The Struggle for Independence (1919 - 1947)

Part I: History

Chapter 14

The Struggle for Independence (1919 – 1947) 

I.        Fill in the blanks:

1.     South Africa

2.     1919

3.     Swaraj

4.     Lahore

5.     Sabarmati to Dandi

6.     1942

7.     Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

8.     Lord Mountbatten

9.     Sovereign Republic


II.               True or False

1.     True

2.     False

3.     False

4.     True

5.     True

6.     False

7.     True

III.           Answer in Brief:

1.     Name a few element of the Constructive Programme of Gandhi

Ans: The elements of the Constructive Programme of Gandhiji are spinning kaadi, Hindu-Muslim unity and the removal of the untouchability.


2.     Write a short note on the Non- cooperation Movement.

Ans:    It was called the Non Cooperation Movement because it asked people to boycot British goods, and refuse to work or corporate with the British. Large quantities of foreign goods were burnt at many places. The charka (spinning wheel) and the Khadi became symbols of this programme.


3.     Why did Indians boycott the Simon Commission?

Ans:    Because the commission, which was to decide India's political future, did not include a single Indian. Therefore the Congress the Muslim League and the Hindu Mahasabha decided to boycott the commission.


4.     What was the revolutionary act committed by Bhagat Singh? What was the sentence awarded to him by the British?

Ans:    The revolutionary act committed by Bhagat Singh was that he killed Saunders, the British officer who had ordered the lathi charge.

He was hanged to death on 23rd March 1931.


5.     What was the ‘two nation theory’?

Ans: According to this theory Hindu and Muslims were not merely separate religious communities, but they were also culturally and racially different.  So, they were, therefore two separate nations.


6.     Why did the Congress ministries resign in 1939?

Ans: The Congress Ministries resign in 1939 because the British government gives no satisfactory reply to the Congress demand for complete Independence.


7.     Who formed the main base of Subhas Chandra Bose’s Indian National Army?

Ans:    Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose


8.     Why did the Simla Conference fail?

Ans:    The Shimla Conference failed owing to the lack of agreement between the Congress and the Muslim League.


9.     Which party called for the Direct Action Day? What was its result?

Ans:   The Muslim League.

It condemned the Congress and the British government and declared that Muslims should resort to direct action to achieve their goal of Pakistan.


IV.           Answer in detail:


1.     Write short notes on:

i)                   The Simon Commission

ii)                The Nehru Report

Ans: i)The Simon Commission:        The British government appointed Commission under Sir John Simon in 1927 . The main purpose of the Simon Commission was to take a decision on self- government for India but no Indian members was included in the Simon Commission, therefore the Congress, the Muslim League and the Hindu Mahasabha decided to boycott the commission. When the Simon Commission arrived in India from England in February 1928, it was greeted with demonstrations,  black flags and the slogan 'Simon Go Back '.


ii)The Nehru Report Nehru report is a committee headed by Motilal Nehru to draft a constitution. The report of the committee known as the Nehru Report, recommended that India will be granted dominion status (self government within the British Empire) immediately, and demanded fundamental rights for Indian citizens.


2.     Write an account of the Dandi March by Gandhi.

Ans:    Dandi March was undertaken by Mahatma Gandhi and many of his supporters as a mark of protest against the grossly unjust salt laws the British government had imposed on Indians. So Mahatma Gandhi walked 400 km from the Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi. There on 6th April 1930, he picked  a handful of salt that had been formed along the shore by the evaporation of sea water. This symbolic act broke the British salt laws.


3.     Describe the Non- cooperation Movement. Why did Gandhi withdraw the movement?

Ans: In December 1920, the Congress adopted a new program of struggle against the government. It was called the Non Cooperation Movement because it asked people to boycot British goods, and refuse to work or corporate with the British. Large quantities of foreign goods were burnt at many places. The charka(spinning wheel) and the Khadi became symbols of this programme.


Because the enforcements of law and ordered by the government resulted in clashes and bloodshed, almost 30,000 people were imprisoned and all important Nationalist leader were behind bars.

4.     What events and differences in view caused a breach between the Congress and the Muslim League?

Ans: With Congress Ministries in place in some of the provinces and poor showing of the Muslim League in the 1937 elections, the Muslim League was now bitterly opposed to the Congress. It began to claim that the interests of the Muslim minority could not be protected by the Hindu majority. So in 1940, the Muslim League pass a resolution demanding the partition of India and the creations of an independent Muslim state to be name as Pakistan.


5.     What event was the main reason for the announcement of the Quit India Movement? What were the results of the movement?

Ans: The main reason for the announcements of the Quit India Movement was the failure of the Cripps Mission. The Congress decided to take active steps to compel the British to grant complete Independence to India. So the All India Congress Committee met in Bombay on 8 August 1942 and passed the historic Quit Indian Resolution. It proposed starting 'a mass struggle or nonviolence lines on non-violent on the wildest possible scale under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi'.


6.     Describe the event that preceded and led to the partition of India. What were the effects of partition on India and Pakistan?

Ans:    In March 1947, Lord Mountbatten came to India is the last Viceroy. In June Mountbatten presented a plan for the partitions of British India into two independent States- India and Pakistan. The Congress leaders a agreed to the partitions to avoid further bloodshed between Hindus and Muslim.

Partition saw some of the worst communial riots in the history of the World. Lakhs of peoples were killed, many more displaced, homes broken and lives destroyed.

7.     Write short notes on the Constituent Assembly, and the adoption of the Constitution of India.

Ans: The constituent assembly was formed under the provisions of the cabinet mission plan. The main task of the Assembly was to frame a constitution for India, so diverse in its culture, language and religion.

Dr Rajendra Prasad was elected the chairman of the assembly and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was the chairman of the drafting committee. After 3 years of careful planning and discussions, the final draft of the Indian Constitution was passed on 26th November 1949. On 26 January 1950, India was declared a sovereign democratic republic. Ever since, the day is celebrated as Republic Day throughout the country.



Multiple Choice Question


1.     c)
2.     a)
3.     d)
4.     b)
5.     c)
6.     b)
7.     c)
8.     d)
9.     b)
10.   d)
11.   b)
12.   b,c, d)

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