Thursday, February 9, 2023

New Getting Ahead In Social Studies Class 8 Solutions Chapter - 7 - Social and Political Life | Social Justice and the Marginalised | Solved Question and Answers

 Part III: Social and Political Life

Chapter 7

Social Justice and The Marginalised



      I.            Fill in the blanks.

1.       Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry

2.       Tribal

3.       Equal

4.       1955


   II.            True or False.

1.     False

2.     True

3.     False

4.     True


III.            Answer in Brief:

1.     What is manual scavenging? Is it permitted by the law?

Ans: Manual Scavenging is the removal of human excreta by hand, by people especially employed for the purpose.  The people who do this work are called manual scavengers.

No, it is not permitted by the law.

2.      Mention any two steps taken by the government for the Welfare of the Dalits.

Ans: The two-step taken by the government for the Welfare of the Delhi

i. The untouchability (Offences) Act 1955 and

ii. The protection of civil right act 1955.


3.      What was the recommendations of The Mandal Commission?

Ans: The Mandal Commission was set up by the Indian government in 1979 to identify the socially or educationally backward set man of society and to suggest method for solving the problem of caste discriminations.

Some of the recommendations are-

                                                                                                             i.      Mandal commission recommended that 27% of government jobs be reserve for the socially and economic economically backward classes.

                                                                                                           ii.      27% was to be reserve in all government run Institutions of Higher Education.

                                                                                                        iii.      22.5% seat be reserve for people belonging to STs and SCs.


4.     Mention any two discriminatory practices against the dalits that are prevalent in some parts of India.

Ans:   i) The practice of Untouchability.

ii. Treated as outcastes and subjected to humiliation and Subjugation.


IV. Answer in detail.

1.     Why is it important that socio economic progress include every section of the society.

Ans: Social economic progress should include every section of the society as it aims to ensure that everyone meet their basic needs that are essential to live a life of dignity.

2.     What is child labour? Give examples.

Ans: The term “child labour” is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.

Across India child labourers can be found in a variety of industries: in brick kilns, carpet weaving, garment making, domestic service, food and tea stalls, agriculture, fisheries and mining.


3.     What are the kinds of medical facilities available in India today for the rural people.

Ans: The kinds of medical facilities available in India for the rural people are –

 i. Population norms for rural healthcare infrastructure.

ii. Sub Centres (SCs)

iii. Primary Health Centre (PHC)

iv. Community Health Centres (CHCs)

v. First Referral Units (FRUs)


4.     What is medical tourism?

Ans: Medical tourism is the coming of foreigners to India for medical treatment and it has become a major earner of foreign exchange for the Indian government.


Multiple Choice Questions

1.     d

2.     c

3.     a

4.     b

5.     b

6.     b

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