Wednesday, February 8, 2023

New Getting Ahead In Social Studies Class 8 Solutions - Geography Chapter -9 | Disaster Management | Solved Question and Answers

Part II: Geography

Chapter 9

Disaster Management


       I.            Fill in the blanks:

1.     Richter Scale

2.     Anti -Clockwise, Clockwise

3.     Drought

4.     Germ warfare

5.     Hiroshima, Nagasaki


   II.            Distinguish between:

1.     Natural and Human- made disaster

Ans: Natural disasters are caused by geographical factors, like earthquakes and Cyclones.

Human made disasters are caused by human activities like industrial accidents, wars and environmental pollution.


2.     Cyclone and Flood.

Ans: Spinning Storms which form over warm tropical waters. They can reach wind speeds of over 120 km per hour. These terms are called cyclones.

Flood happen when a river has too much water in its channel. The waters break through the river banks and spread over the surrounding land.


3.     Biological Warfare and Nuclear warfare

Ans: Biological Warfare is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents like smallpox, jaundice that are released among the enemy to infect and kill them.

Nuclear warfare is a theoretical military conflict or prepared political strategy that deploys nuclear weaponry.


III.  Answer the following questions.


1.     What are disasters?  How are they classified?

Ans:  Disaster can be defined as a sudden, unexpected occurrence that causes massive, rampant damage to lives and property of people.

They can be classified broadly into two categories- Natural disaster and Human-made disaster.


2.     What is disaster management?

Ans: According to the World Bank, Disaster management is the body of policy and administrative decisions and operational activities which pertain to the various stages of a disaster at all level.


3.     Define epicentre. What are the precautions to be taken before, during and after an earthquake?

Ans; The point directly above it on the surface of the earth is called epicenter.

Precaution to be taken.

i. Identify a safe place at home, school and office under a study table or desk.

 ii. Practice the three vital steps of drop cover and hold on.

iii.  Stay on an open ground away from buildings, trees and electric poles which fall on you.

iv. Learn first aid and to operate a fire extinguisher.

v.  Do not panic, stay calm.


4.     What is a cyclone? What is the kind of damage inflicted by a cyclone?

Ans:- Spinning Storms which form over warm tropical waters. They can reach wind speeds of over 120 km per hour. These storms are called cyclones.

Some of the damage caused by cyclone are.

i. Damage buildings and property.

ii. Destroy crops,

iii.  uproot trees,

iv. Cause dead due to drowning.

v. Capsize boats at sea.


5.     What are Flood? Write a brief note on floods in India and how they are dealt with.

Ans: Floods happen when a river has too much water in its channel. The water breaks through the river banks and spreads over the surrounding land.


Floods are an annual feature in several parts of India. Many of the rivers flow their banks like Assam, Bihar and Odisha. The government with the help of the army and Navy launches rescue operations to move marooned people to safer places. Food packets are air dropped for people who are still trapped in unreachable places. Relief camps are  opened where the affected can stay till the flood water recede.


6.     Mention a few effects of droughts. What are the majors that can be taken to reduce its impact?

Ans: Effects of drought are;

hunger, thirst and famine, Wildfires, diseases, social conflicts, migration and relocations.

Some of the precautions test to reduce the impacts are. Educate farmers to avoid over cropping and overgrazing.

Some of the Precaution to reduce its impact are:

                                                       i.            Educate farmers to avoid over cropping and overgrazing.

                                                     ii.            Check deforestation and plant trees.

                                                  iii.            Practice rainwater harvesting.


7.     List a few human- made disasters.

Ans: Some of the Human – made disaster are – war or terrorist attacks, nuclear radiation, chemical disasters and accidents.


8.      Explain in brief about Weapons of mass destruction.

Ans: The weapons of mass destruction refer to nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. They can cause deaths on a massive scale and cause permanent damage to health among the living.

Weapons of mass destruction can be –

                                                       i.            Nuclear weapons

                                                     ii.            Bombs- bombs are used by terrorists to blow up crowded places

                                              iii.            Germ warfare- germs of deadly diseases like smallpox, jaundice etc.

                                                   iv.            Chemical warfare- Chemicals like ‘Agent Orange’ and Napalm’.


9.     What precautions can be taken during chemical disaster?

Ans: Precautions to be taken –

                                                       i.            Find out whether the industrial units close to your city use hazardous chemicals.

                                                     ii.            Find out if the local administration has emergency plans to deal with industrial accidents.

                                                  iii.            Find out about the antidotes needed in case of poisoning of people, animals, water resources etc., and their availability.

                                                   iv.            Find out from the hospitals, if they are capable of handling cases of exposure to chemicals.

                                                     v.            Keep a chart of Dos and Don’t in case of a chemical disaster.




Multiple Choice Questions


1.     c

2.     d

3.     b

4.     c

5.     b

6.     b

7.     c

8.     d





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