Thursday, May 25, 2023

Unravelling the World on Social Studies - History | Chapter _ 2 - From Trade to Territory | Class 8 | Solved Question and Answers

Part I: History

Chapter 2

From Trade to Territory


        A.   Answer the following questions in brief.

1.     Why did most European companies target India when the need for markets and colonies arose?

Ans: European companies targeted India because it was necessary to find markets for goods and products made in England and also to find a region or country that could supply raw materials for the textile factories and other industrial units in England.                                              

2.     What were the grievances of Siraj-ud-Daulah against the British?

Ans: Some of the grievance of Siraj- ud -Daulah against the British are as follows:

i.                   The English trader being free from obligations of paying any tax.

ii.                 The British kept misusing and exploiting the rights to tax free trade.


3.     What were the effects of the Battle of Buxar?

Ans:  The effect of the Battle of Buxar is that It gave EEIC diwani rights i.e,.  the right to collect revenue in the province of Bengal Orissa and Bihar.


4.     What was the principle of Subsidiary Alliance?

Ans: A principle introduced by Lord Wellesley, a British Governor- General. This principle was based on certain condition that a ruler had to accept in lieu of getting British protection against his enemies.


5.     Who introduced the Doctrine of Lapse?

              Ans: Governor- General Lord Dalhousie                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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